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Madden 23 Scouting


Important Note: Before diving into the position based scouting content, you will want to first view our article on scouting overall ratings, the combine, and pro day numbers.

Drafting the right quarterback for your team can make or break a franchises’ success in Madden 24. That is why it is absolutely essential that you are equipped with all of the information you could possibly have when you go into your draft.

One of the best ways to get this information is found on the left side of the “Physical” ratings tab when you go to scout a prospect. This will start with a vague range but by the time you get to the draft, you will be presented with an exact tier of each player’s physical ratings. There are 7 potential tiers. In order from best to worst they are:

  • Elite
  • Great
  • Good
  • Solid
  • Decent
  • Marginal
  • Poor

This may not seem to provide too much information but it is very revealing. The best part is that by the time you get close to the draft, these tiers are available for every player no matter how much you scouted them.

The tiers are relative to each position. For example a player with “Elite” strength at offensive line will need a strength rating of at least 92 while a player at the wide receiver position with “Elite” strength will only need a strength rating of at least 75.

Note: The same concept mostly holds true for letter grade ratings when you scout a player. For example to earn an “A” rating for something like “spin move” will require a higher number at halfback than it will at wide receiver.

Important Physical Tiers for QBs

You will be given tier ratings for 6 different physical attributes (7 for quarterbacks). Some will be useful, some will not be depending on the position a player is at. For example, you really don’t care how high your quarterback can jump.

Here are the categories you are presented with:

  • Acceleration
  • Agility
  • Change Of Direction
  • Jump
  • Strength
  • Speed
  • Throw Power (QBs Only)

For each one of these you will get tier information ranging from elite to poor.

We only go over the relevant ones for each position. At quarterback the 2 most relevant categories (by far) are speed and throw power. We have also included acceleration and agility as some may be interested in those as well.

QB Speed Tiers

  • Elite: 90-99
  • Great: 87-89
  • Good: 83-86
  • Solid: 80-82
  • Decent: 77-79
  • Marginal: 74-76
  • Poor: 73 and below

What this means is if you see a QB with “Elite” speed you know for sure he has at least 90 speed. If you see a QB with “Good” speed, you know he has somewhere between 83 and 86 speed. You can often use this in conjunction with 40 yard dash times to really zero in on an exact speed rating for each player.

For example, if you see a 40 yard dash time for a quarterback that has 4.60 speed, he could theoretically have a speed rating of between 84 and 88 speed going off of our combine speed chart. That is a pretty big range. But then we can combine it with the Speed tier chart we went over above.

If the quarterback is in the “Great” speed tier, we then know that he has either 87 or 88 speed. If he is in the “Good” speed tier, we know that he will have between 84-86 speed. You can use the combine results with the Tier results to get a much more narrow range of what to expect.

This technique works for speed, acceleration, agility, change of direction, jump, and strength and if you do it right you will often know the exact rating for each of these physical ratings.

QB Throw Power Tiers

  • Elite: 94-99
  • Great: 92-93
  • Good: 90-91
  • Solid: 87-89
  • Decent: 84-86
  • Marginal: 81-83
  • Poor: 80 and below

It works the same way for throw power and every other physical attribute. If you see a QB has “Great” throw power you know that he either has a 92 or 93 throw power rating. It is as simple as that.

QB Acceleration Tiers

  • Elite: 90-99
  • Great: 87-89
  • Good: 86
  • Solid: 84-85
  • Decent: 83
  • Marginal: 82
  • Poor: 81 and below

QB Agility Tiers

  • Elite: 89-99
  • Great: 84-88
  • Good: 82-83
  • Solid: 77-81
  • Decent: 72-76
  • Marginal: 68-71
  • Poor: 67 and below

The rest of the physical tiers like strength, jump, and change of direction aren’t that important to us at the QB position so we can safely ignore them.

Important Skill Grades For QBs

That brings us to the next section where we can analyze QBs a little more and that is in the “Skill” grades tab.

Depending on how much you have scouted a player, you will be presented with some or all of a player’s skill grades. Those are just like grade system you had in school: “A” through “F’ with “A” being the best grade and “F” being the worst.

Just like before, some of these ratings are really important and some are essentially useless. We are going to only cover the useful skills for each position. Please remember that grade ranges change for each position so do not try to extrapolate these ranges to other positions (your results will be way off).

Quarterback Awareness

  • A = 74-99
  • B = 69-73
  • C = 64-68
  • D = 59-63
  • F = 58 and below

Quarterback Short Accuracy

  • A = 83-99
  • B = 78-82
  • C = 73-77
  • D = 67-72
  • F = 66 and below

Quarterback Mid Accuracy

  • A = 83-99
  • B = 75-82
  • C = 69-74
  • D = 63-68
  • F = 62 and below

Quarterback Deep Accuracy

  • A = 81-99
  • B = 71-80
  • C = 69-70
  • D = 64-68
  • F = 63 and below

Quarterback Play Action Rating

  • A = 80-99
  • B = 75-79
  • C = 71-74
  • D = 67-70
  • F = 66 and below

QB Throw Under Pressure Rating

  • A = 77-99
  • B = 73-76
  • C = 69-72
  • D = 65-69
  • F = 64 and below

QB Throw On Run Rating

  • A = 85-99
  • B = 80-84
  • C = 74-79
  • D = 68-73
  • F = 67 and below

QB Injury Rating

  • A = 95-99
  • B = 90-94
  • C = 86-89
  • D = 82-85
  • F = 81 and below

QB Stamina Rating

  • A = 95-99
  • B = 90-94
  • C = 86-89
  • D = 82-85
  • F = 81 and below

Quarterback Draft Notes

When you bring up a prospect’s scouting information, the first tab is called “Scouting Report” and there will be some “Player Notes” on the left side of that tab. There will a few lines for each player. Some positions will have more, some will have less.

Many of the lines will tell you something, many are decoys. Here is what you need to know for quarterbacks.

Force Passes Trait

The first line for quarterbacks will tell you his “force passes” trait. You will see one of 3 different notes:

  • Quick to take the checkdown = Forces Passes – Conservative
  • Never seen a window he won’t throw into = Forces Passes – Aggressive
  • Will take calculated risks as a passer = Forces Passes – Ideal

The next line is useless. It will say, “Beautiful spiral on all passes.” This is a filler note and means nothing.

Sense Pressure Trait

  • Decent ability to recognize pressure = Sense Pressure – Average
  • Calm but aware of defenders while in the pocket = Sense Pressure – Ideal
  • Needs to speed up internal click in pocket = Sense Pressure – Oblivious
  • Very antsy in the pocket = Sense Pressure – Paranoid
  • Quick to throw at the slightest pressure = Sense Pressure – Trigger Happy

The next line is also useless. It will always say, “Knows when to throw the ball away.” This is a filler note and doesn’t tell you anything.

QB Style Trait

  • Will break the pocket occasionally to throw = QB Style – Balanced
  • Exclusively plays from the pocket = QB Style – Pocket
  • Loves to run and play outside of structure = QB Style – Scrambling

QB Release Trait

The QB release trait is probably the most important of any of the above traits. It is the last note on each quarterback prospect. Below is what each note translates to.

  • Fast, nearly perfect compact motion = Traditional 1
  • Fast shotput style three-quarters motion = Traditional 2
  • Fast motion that emphasizes a high release = Traditional 3
  • Fast, violent over the top throwing motion = Traditional 4
  • Fast, old school compact throwing motion = Traditional 5
  • Fast, over the top style motion = Traditional 6
  • Standard, over the top style motion = Traditional 7
  • Fast, prototypical throwing motion = Generic 1
  • League average release time throwing = Generic 2
  • Slow, elongated throwing motion = Generic 3
  • Lighting quick release, almost ignores lower half = Slinger 1
  • Very fast and violent whip throwing motion = Slinger 2
  • Three quarter fast and smooth throwing motion = Slinger 3
  • Fast, flick of the wrist throwing motion = Slinger 4
  • Quick, compact throwing motion = Slinger 5
  • Compact, Fast traditional motion = Slinger 6
  • Three quarter and quick throwing motion = Slinger 7
  • Multi-Angle quick motion = Slinger 8
  • Fast over the top motion = Slinger 9


When you use all of this positional information (along with the universal scouting information) on a player that you have either fully or mostly scouted, you will get an excellent idea of what to expect from any prospect.

Scouting Other Positions

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9 months ago

Is there an article or way for me to find Madden 23 Quarterback Draft/Player Notes?
I can generally figure out each trait, but the phrase in M23 is slightly different from M24.

9 months ago

So I find this really helpful. But is there a way to find if they are a hidden dev? I drafted a QB with excellent stats, but he was a normal. Any way to tell?