Next up on the list is halfbacks. We’ll go over everything you need to know below. Make sure to check out the quarterback/overview scouting article if you need more context.
Important Physical Tiers For HBs
HB Speed Tiers
- Elite = 95-99
- Great = 93-94
- Good = 91-92
- Solid = 89-90
- Decent = 87-88
- Marginal = 86
- Poor = 85 and below
HB Acceleration Tiers
- Elite = 94-99
- Great = 92-93
- Good = 91
- Solid = 90
- Decent = 89
- Marginal = 88
- Poor = 87 and below
HB Agility Tiers
- Elite = 95-99
- Great = 92-94
- Good = 90-91
- Solid = 87-89
- Decent = 84-86
- Marginal = 81-83
- Poor = 80 and below
HB Change Of Direction Tiers
- Elite = 91-99
- Great = 89-90
- Good = 87-88
- Solid = 83-86
- Decent = 80-82
- Marginal = 76-79
- Poor = 75 and below
HB Strength Tiers
- Elite = 84-99
- Great = 80-83
- Good = 76-79
- Solid = 71-75
- Decent = 66-70
- Marginal = 60-65
- Poor = 59 and below
The jump rating isn’t important for halfbacks so we can safely ignore it.
Important Skill Grades For HBs
Halfback Awareness
- A = 75-99
- B = 67-74
- C = 60-66
- D = 50-59
- F = 49 and below
Halfback Ball Carrier Vision
- A = 82-99
- B = 77-81
- C = 75-76
- D = 72-74
- F = 71 and below
Halfback Break Tackle
- A = 81-99
- B = 74-80
- C = 68-73
- D = 62-67
- F = 61 and below
Halfback Carry Rating
- A = 90-99
- B = 83-89
- C = 75-82
- D = 68-74
- F = Below 67
Halfback Juke Rating
- A = 90-99
- B = 86-89
- C = 83-85
- D = 79-82
- F = 78 Below
Halfback Spin Rating
- A = 82-99
- B = 78-81
- C = 74-77
- D = 70-73
- F = 69 and below
Halfback Stiff Arm Rating
- A = 83-99
- B = 76-82
- C = 70-75
- D = 64-69
- F = 63 Below
Halfback Trucking Ratings
- A = 83-99
- B = 77-82
- C = 71-76
- D = 64-69
- F = 63 and below
Halfback Catch Rating
- A = 73-99
- B = 70-72
- C = 65-69
- D = 60-64
- F = 59 and below
Halfback Injury Rating
- A = 95-99
- B = 90-94
- C = 86-89
- D = 82-85
- F = 81 and below
Halfback Stamina Rating
- A = 95-99
- B = 90-94
- C = 86-89
- D = 82-85
- F = 81 and below
HB Draft Notes
In the player notes for halfbacks, everything except the 1st line is filler that gives you no information. The first line will tell you about the “Covers Ball” trait.
- Puts an emphasis on protecting the ball = Covers Ball – For All Hits
- Protects the football versus any contact = Covers Ball – On Medium Hits
- Rarely protects the football = Covers Ball – On Big Hits
- Braces for impact versus hard hitters = Covers Ball – Never
- (If nothing is mentioned) = Covers Ball – Always
What “Covers Ball” trait is most ideal? Obviously, I know never is the worst, but what the next best & worst?
If that is important to you, “Covers Ball For All Hits” is what you want.