Online Team Play will not be in Madden NFL 16. Online Team play (sometimes referred to as OTP) was a cult favorite of previous Madden games. It wasn’t a mass hit but the people who played that game mode were huge fans of it.
OTP wasn’t in Madden NFL 15 causing many fans to ask for its inclusion in Madden 16. In online team play you and 2 friends could play on the same team against a different team of 3 players. Essentially it was a 3v3 head to head game.
Most of the time you would have 1 player at quarterback, 1 running back, and one wide receiver. Games were much different because you had 3 players who were user controlled at all times making it a completely different challenge.
I know many of our Madden School members played OTP in Madden 25 and will be disappointed to not see it in Madden 16.
It looks like EA Sports’ effort was put into a new game mode called Draft Champions instead.
Yeah EA just doesnt care anymore. They sit around pretending to care about their customers but thats BS! They have the worst customer service imaginable. The only way to get the message is do not buy their games. Any of EA Sports games say nay.
Well I won’t be buying madden this year no team play wth it’s 2016. 1v1 gets boring. Team play would be alot better if they put time and money into it. Looks like I’ll just be buying nba 2k16
Thier excuse is not popular or no audience… most ppl who read this have a reaction of 3v3?!?! It was there?? They hid it behind 3 tabs of menus. Delete every post on the ea forums about teamplay. You cant have a pop. Mode unless you let ppl know how or what it is. If i was the avg gamer who likes football then how am i suppose to understand the mode. Every game has tutorials to what it wants to make sure works. Ult team had one right its basic 101 stuff. Im sure draft kings will too. Ill be on madden25 OTP till i see a new one, a real new Madden… not thiis madden 167887544
LBs and CBs vs WRs, TEs, Qb, Rb, Fb
1. Fs
2. Ss
3. Cb
4. Cb
5. Mlb
6. Lolb/cb
7. Rolb/cb
cpu plays the line
1. Qb
2. Rb/wr
3. Wr
4. Wr/te
5. Wr/te
6. Wr/te
7. Fb/te
cpu plays the line
Team play is amazing and so were the communities. All ea is focusing on is ultimate team to get adolescent kids to drop hundreds of dollars. Team play was the most fun to play. I have been ranked in the last 4 maddens and team play still was more fun. Also they need to get better at cleaning up the leaderboards. I still will buy there game. I can’t wait we another company gets the rights to the names.
I’m so freakin disappointed its pathetic. Madden sucks, they took away the best thing most players enjoy and that’s the OTP AND Communities. Ultimate team play. Freakin garbage!!!!. I hope they let us download it
Just heard that theres no otp this year very disappointed i was looking forward to it and thought for sure it would be back..never had more fun playing with my boys and dominating other communities
This is a bunch of B.S. O.T.P. is the best thing madden has ever brought out. Ultimate team sucks. EA needs to step it up…. I will not buy it until they have a download for it.
The only reason I would buy madden 16 is for online team play. I refuse to but another madden until ot is available. Wtf
Huge fan of OTP. I played ranked games, season modes, online franchises, and ultimate team… but I’m stuck on the one and have not heard of a madden with OTP on it since I got the one. I’ve been without madden the last 2 years after buying every copy for 10 years. This two year boycott has been because they took away the best game mode in the game OTP. I just found out that they added OTP on the one (I’m a little behind), but being that its time to upgrade the fanbase moves up to the next generation and it would be too hard to find games.
Oh well, guess I’ll have to skip madden this year too. 🙁 It’ll be nice to have some sports game to play….. will the next NHL bring back EASHL on the one?
I need the OTP ea Sports its in the Game lets have it before it comes out