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Welcome To The Madden 21 Run Heavy Mini Scheme

Welcome to our Madden 21 Run Heavy Mini Scheme. This mini scheme has a focus on scoring when you get inside the redzone.

Check it out below!

Playbook: Run Heavy

Formation: Gun Split Slot

Play: Shovel Option

Overview: Shovel option is such a unique play that you don’t find out of many other formations. It is enhanced by having a mobile QB, but as shown in the video it can be very effective even with a pocket passer. My primary strategy on this play is to run as widely as I can toward the force defender, and then pitch it last second by pressing RB/R1. If I notice while running that the defense over commits to the outside, I will pitch to the other running back LB/L1.

Playbook: Run Heavy

Formation: Gun Split Slot

Play: Deep Curls


  1. Smart route A/X
  2. Smart route B/Circle
  3. Put X/Square on a drag


  1. First read is a quick throw in the window to X/Square on the drag
  2. My second read on this play is either smart routed curl on the right side of the field. Whichever one is open, I like to throw a low pass and possession catch
  3. The third read is the HB angle route to RB/R1 over the middle

Overview: This is a great play toward the goalline to abuse both zone and man coverage. We can low pass either curl route to the right, but also have two other options in the drag and the HB Angle route. I specifically like to go to the curls as it is somewhat of an exploit to this year and tough to guard with a low pass. The HB angle route is also a route that will beat man and needs to be user guarded.

Playbook: Run Heavy

Formation: Gun Split Slot

Play: Slants


  1. Put RB/R1 on a wheel route


  1. The first read on this play is to X/Square quick right out of the break against press man, or if there is a hole in the zone
  2. If it isn’t there, I flip my eyes to the middle of the field and read leverages of the middle zone defenders; do this and find the hole in the zone once they cross

Overview: In the video, I talk about why I like slants and why I prefer simple plays like this down toward the goalline. It is easy to quick-hike this play as there is only one setup, and there are so many crossing routes that it puts the middle zones and users in a bind.

Playbook: Run Heavy

Formation: Gun Split Slot

Play: Slot Post Angle


  1. Put B/Circle on a curl route, then smart route him


  1. My first read is a hot read to the left running back Y/Triangle
  2. The primary read is reading the mesh between Y/Triangle and A/X. Whichever way the defender goes, throw to the other open WR. You can also high pass it to A/X running the back line
  3. My final read is a dump down pass to RB/R1

Overview: This redzone play is so effective because it has one of the few post routes that allows our WR to run across the backline after he reaches the top of his route. If he is not user guarded, he will be open at some point either beating man or running through a hole in the zone. We also have a very good blue route for a check down pass, and the HB angle either early or keeping on the move late over the middle of the endzone.

Playbook: Run Heavy

Formation: Gun Split Slot

Play: HB Gut / HB Sweep Wk

Overview: These are the two run plays I use in this formation if it is not the Shovel Option. They give us an ability to run to either back, toward either side of the field. They are great mix-in plays for a good redzone scheme.

Playbook: Run Heavy

Formation: Singleback Bunch

Play: PA CTR Waggle


  1. Put A/X on a streak
  2. Put RB/R1 on a drag
  3. Block the HB


  1. The first read is B/Circle toward the sideline vs zone, or out of the break vs man
  2. The second read on this play is a high low over the middle of the field with the drag and the over route. X/Square will always beat man on the over unless it is user guarded

Overview: This is a simple double read play, where we really only have 3 viable options. The outside corner route is deep enough to get behind any flat zone, and will be open vs both cover 2 and 3 toward the sideline. If this is not open, I flip my eyes immediately back across to the over route.

Playbook: Run Heavy

Formation: Singleback Bunch

Play: Z Spot


  1. Put RB/R1 on a streak
  2. Put B/Circle on a drag
  3. Put X/Square on a slant
  4. Put the Y/Triangle on a streak


  1. First read is the slant (X/Square) drag (B/Circle) combo over the middle of the field
  2. The second read is the deep corner route to A/X
  3. The final read is the streak to the RB vs zone, pass led away from the zone

Overview: Z spot is similar to PA CTR Waggle, but is a better passing play at times as it allows us to have 5 viable routes on the field to spread the defense out a bit more. We can attack the deep right side of the field again with the corner route, but on this play it is ran by the slot WR. we have two routes across the middle of the field with a drag/slant high-low read, and then also have a RB streak that we can pass lead to either side away from the zone.

Playbook: Run Heavy

Formation: Singleback Bunch

Play: PA Boot Over (Cover 3 Bomb)


  1. Put X/Square on an out route, then smart route him
  2. Put A/X on a streak


  1. This is primarily a 1 man read here for the cover 3 bomb to B/Circle

Overview: I like to go to this play when I notice my opponent is heavy on the cover 3 defensive looks. This will catch them off guard, and by the time they are able to run back with the user it is way too late. I prefer to roll to the left if possible to allow me a little bit more time to throw and also increase the throwing window. Cancel the playaction after a second to draw our opponent down into the box even more.

Playbook: Run Heavy

Formation: Singleback Bunch

Play: PA Boot Over


  1. Put RB/R1 on a drag route
  2. Put A/X on a curl route


  1. My first read on this play is a hot throw to RB/R1 on the drag
  2. The second and primary read on this play is a high low to the Curl (A/X) and post (B/Circle). If the hook zones sit on the curl, hit the post. If the hook zones get depth, throw the curl with a low pass.


This is my go to play when I want to attack over the middle of the field, instead of the other two passing plays from this formation that are more geared to attack the sideline and flood the zones. The post beats both man and zone, as well as a low pass to the curl over the middle. Read the leverage of the middle hook zones/user and throw to the open WR.

Playbook: Run Heavy

Formation: Singleback Bunch

Play: Spacing


  1. Streak Y/Triangle


  1. My first read is the hitch flat combo to the right side of the field with B/Circle and RB/R1. If there is no flat defender, throw the flat route. If the flat defender flies out, throw the hitch route
  2. The second read is the spot route over the middle of the field to A/X
  3. The third read is X/Square over the middle
  4. My final read on the play is late to the HB (Y/Triangle)

Overview: Spacing is my favorite play for short yardage pickups out of this formation. We have multiple different options that can attack every area of a zone, and also have the ability to low pass vs man coverage. I call Spacing whenever I need a big time pickup in a short yardage situation.

Playbook: Run Heavy

Formation: Singleback Bunch

Play: HB Slash

Overview: This is the primary run play I like to go to out of this formation. It is very effective as is, or playmakered back to the left side. I also may run the toss play as I discuss in the video, but very sparingly as it is not as effective.

Playbook: Run Heavy

Formation: Strong Twins Over

Play: Power O

Overview: This is my favorite run play in the entire playbook. This is an unbalanced Tackle Over formation, which creates an incredible mismatch on the right side with an extra offensive tackle. This also at times causes the defensive line to line up poorly, and can often lead to a massive play.

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4 years ago

thanks for the scheme deelo, are you running this atm in mut or still carolina ? thanks

4 years ago

also do you run the goaline running plays up the field too, eg shovel, gut and sweep?

4 years ago

Gun bunch TE and strong tight in here also; you run anything out of SB trips?