Playbook: Kansas City Chiefs
Formation: Nickel 2-4-5
Play: Silver Shoot Pinch
- Press Coverage
- Shift Defensive line to the left
- QB Contain
Overview: This blitz gets 2 guys free so even if your opponent blocks extra guys or slide protects, we will still get quick pressure.
Playbook: Kansas City Chiefs
Formation: Nickel 2-4-5
Play: Nickel Blitz 2
- Base Align
- Press Coverage
- QB Contain
- Bluff Blitz the MLB on the left
- Put the DE on the right in a QB spy
- Put the OLB on right into a yellow zone
Overview: This is a 3 man rush that gets good pressure off the left side of the screen.
Uhmm how do you do the QB contain?!
You hold down the left trigger and then hit R1/RB
how do i buff blitz
A/X + left on the right stick
silver shoot pinch is not in the default KC playbook…
Are there any max coverage plays on here? I feel like human players get passes off way before the blitzes can get there.
You can kind of choose your own max coverage plays. Any play that drops 8 guys into coverage is usually pretty good
Yeah I know what you mean. People I’m playing against have 7-8 guys on the line and throw passes in <1.5s making blitzes pointless unless you hit one on a run play.
So what’s your suggestion too the guy’s online that quick snap it on you won’t let you set up your def plays?. I mean the longer set up ones.
Just avoid the longer setups and call a defense with less adjustments in a situation like that.