As with every edition of Madden, there are several positions that you must master to be successful. Madden 18 is no different especially with the addition of MUT Squads. Since player ratings are playing a bigger role in this year’s Madden, then you will want to learn how to control certain positions with precision and accuracy. That’s why the pros at Madden School have come up with the most important positions to practice in Madden 18.
This should be a no brainer, but practice your Quarterback play. With all the new changes and gameplay improvements, playing Quarterback is much different in Madden 18 than in previous seasons. The new Target Passing feature is optional to use, but has the potential to be a deadly tool if you can master it. Trust us, though, it will take a lot of time and practice to master this brand new feature.
Aside from the new Target Passing feature, you will want to practice throwing low and high passes as those controls are different in Madden 18. To throw high/low passes, you hold down the L1/LB button and flick your left stick up for high passes or down for low passes. Perfecting these passes will prevent you from throwing incomplete passes and interceptions.
Wide Receiver
The addition of MUT Squads game mode makes mastering the controls for the wide receiver position crucial. Since one of the three MUT Squad players will be stepping into a WR position, then you will want to practice controlling receivers.
You’ll control every aspect of the WR’s route from the release to cutting in and out of breaks. The controls are fairly complex especially if you’re new to the game or just getting started playing the Madden series. Controlling a WR as a “Player Locked Receiver” you’ll use a wide variety of Left Stick/Button combinations to perform the different maneuvers and beat defenders. That definitely makes WR one of the most important positions to practice in Madden 18.
Defensive Back
With new controls to the WR position come new controls and features to the DB position. If you want to be successful at stopping your opponent’s offense, then you have to master the new DB controls. The new controls consist of using your Right Stick to bump and chuck receivers. You’ll definitely want to practice these before trying to play one of the DB positions on defense. Again, the new MUT Squads game mode makes these new controls vital to winning games, and the Defensive Back spot one of the most important positions to practice in Madden 18.
Running Back
Madden 18 didn’t necessarily make a lot of changes to the running back controls, but you’ll still want to practice playing this position. The new Frostbite game engine changes the way Madden 18 plays and feels, which may take some getting used to for a few of us. Personally, running the ball feels different to me because of the new animations and graphics presentation. That’s why we’re recommending you practice running the ball and playing running back. Again, MUT Squad players can control a back, too. That makes it one of the most important positions to practice in Madden 18.
Middle Linebacker
You’ll see online H2H players controlling the MLB position on defense more and more these days. But make no mistake about it, it’s hard to control the MLB position as it comes with a lot of responsibility. Simply guessing wrong on a play action pass can result in a big play or possible touchdown for your opponent. You’ll want to practice recognizing certain run plays such as tosses and stretches as missing your gap on these plays can mean a big run for your opponent. Again, you must also be able to recognize, and play, the aforementioned play action passes. Practicing with your Middle Linebacker is crucial if you’re going to be successful and win games in Madden 18.
That does it for our list of most important positions to practice in Madden 18. Do you think we missed any? Maybe Defensive or Offensive Line? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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