In this Madden 21 Film Room post, we are going over 4 plays from the Jacksonville Jaguars playbook that you will want to add to your scheme.
Although the videos are filmed on next gen consoles, they also work on current gen.
Check it out below!
Playbook: Jacksonville Jaguars
Formation: Gun Bunch Offset
Play: Deep Dig
- Hot route the B/circle receiver to a smart routed out route
- (Optional) Block your tight end
- Double team the outsie most rusher on the right
- Your first and man read on this play is the RB/R1 receiver deep against cover 3 or cover 4 defenses (Lead pass to the sideline)
Overview: This play absolutely destroys cover 3 defenses and can beat cover 4 drop deep as well.
Playbook: Jacksonville Jaguars
Formation: Gun Bunch Offset
Play: Flood
Setup: None required
- The main read on this play is the B/circle receiver deep against cover 3 defense (lead pass to the sideline)
- If he is covered, or you are under pressure, you have a high/low read on the right side
Overview: Make sure you run this play from the left hash mark when you are expecting a cover 3 defense. It can help if you have a fast wide receiver and a quarterback with elite throw power.
Playbook: Jacksonville Jaguars
Formation: Gun Bunch Offset
Play: Speed Dig
- Hot route your X/square receiver to a streak route
- Hot route your tight end to an out route
- Your first look on this play against man to man coverage in the RB/R1 receiver
- Most opponents will user defend that route so wait until the B/circle receiver makes his cut in
Overview: This play has multiple routes that destroy any sort of man to man coverage as long as you make the right read.
Playbook: Jacksonville Jaguars
Formation: Gun Bunch Offset
Play: Counter Y
- Motion the outside receiver in the bunch to the other side
Overview: If your opponent is using base align, the defender will not follow your motioned receiver to the other side. This will give you a huge numbers advantage because you also have 2 pulling lead blockers.
What yall twitch names si i can follow??