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Madden 16: Pistol Ace Twins – Strong Power

When a new Madden season starts, the way you win the most games is by not making mistakes.  The easiest way to avoid mistakes is to run the ball consistently with plays that you know will work.

The running play below is extremely effective and will give your opponents nightmares.

Madden 16 Money Run Play: Pistol Ace Twins - Strong Power

Playbook: Buffalo Bills

Formation: Pistol Ace Twins

Play: Strong Power


  1. Flip the run to the left

Overview: This play works best with an above average running back and offensive line.  You don’t always need to flip the run to the left side of the field.  Sometimes the numbers work out better if you run to the right side.  It just depends on what the defense is doing.

Madden 16 Offense eBook

Here is how the play should look if you run it correctly.

Pistol Ace Twins Strong Power Screenshot 2015-08-18 12-31-32

Before the snap, you have to decide whether to run the play the way it is designed or whether you should flip the run to the left.  Here we decided to flip the run to the left.

Madden 16 Pistol Ace Twins Strong Power

Right after the snap, you can see how well your blocks are setting up.  You should have no trouble finding the hole.

Pistol Ace Twins Strong Power Screenshot 2015-08-18 12-32-21

Everyone around us seems to be blocked.  There are no free defenders anywhere near our running back.

Pistol Ace Twins Strong Power Screenshot 2015-08-18 12-32-37

We are now 15 yards past the line of scrimmage and still no one is around our running back.

Pistol Ace Twins Strong Power Screenshot 2015-08-18 12-32-47

The play results in a touchdown.

If you enjoyed this free tip, please consider purchasing our Offfensive eBook or get all of our eBooks with a Madden School Unlimited membership.

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Chicago Cheesehaed
Chicago Cheesehaed
9 years ago

Oh no it’s those strong power runs again smh. Is the defense still reacting clueless to this run like they did in madden 15? Please post how to stop this ASAP @madden school

9 years ago

All runs can be stopped. Use 5-2 or 4-4 and jam the gaps. Force the runner inside, it’s a numbers game. Never be caught outn umbered on the edges.

Miguel Gawlak
Miguel Gawlak
9 years ago

As a key player, your “QB” should have the rating of 95+ Throw Power. As early said that in Madden NFL 16, Bear is a balance playbook, with its chance to 3 – 4.