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Madden 16 Carolina Mini eBook

Our first mini eBook for Madden 16 is now available and it focuses on the Carolina Panthers offensive playbook.  It features 14 plays from 3 formations and is only $9.99!

The formations covered in the Madden School Carolina Panthers Offense Mini eBook are:

  • Singleback Tight Slots
  • Gun Y Trips Open
  • Gun Trey Y Flex

This mini ebook is designed to work with the latest Madden 16 patch.  Spice up your offense today with some of the best plays in the game for only $9.99!

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Or you can get access to all our Madden 16 eBooks via Madden School Unlimited.

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9 years ago

How many exact plays did y’all break down just outta the single back tight slots formation? I heard some good things about that formation