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Madden 11 Tips- Great Running Play is doing a series of free Madden 11 Tips.  This first tip takes no adjustments at all and you can use it with any team.  In the video below, we demonstrate a consistant run that gets you positive yardage with big play potential.  This play is by no means a gamebreaker.  It is just a play that works well that you can mix in with a scheme that you already have.

Playbooks: Run N Gun and Others

Formation: Strong Tight

Play: HB Stretch

All you have to do is follow your blockers.  You can bounce it outside or cut up the field at any time. A simple yet effective play.  Watch the video below to see it demonstrated properly.

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14 years ago

really?? 1/2 da time u bounced in arent u supossed to follow ur blockers

da man
da man
14 years ago

nice running play. Hell if u had any stick u would be going to house a lot

14 years ago

this isn't in the dallas playbook

14 years ago

u follow ur blockers untill a hole pops up,on any running play, trust i'm the master no one can beat me im still running 150 on all madden

14 years ago
Reply to  Mark

mark-Ummm i can lol im running 320 ON AVERAGE on all madden and or online im a fucking beast ive also won 7 comptitions So beat that!!

14 years ago

@ Mark- dude i think anyone can get 150+ yards on All Madden… how about playing someone online and get better results.. plus try playing against a team with a top notch D…

14 years ago

I need all the help I can get. I brought my ps3 about 7 months ago. I have probably beat the all madden level 3 times, i need all the help i can get.

Brian Morrison
Brian Morrison
14 years ago
Reply to  sherman

If you have a fast quarterback it makes offense a whole lot easier on your life. Lets say you pass out of shotgun a lot you might as well use five wide outs because the coverage on All Madden is very very tough. Once you see that all the recievers are covered take off along the sidelines or up the middle if all possible. Once the defense sees they have to cover the quarterback too they will start stepping up and that will open up the deep pass for big gains. And if you run the ball and plan on getting big gains the offset eye is the way to go, because the fullback can get to the linebackers a split second sooner and thats all the time you need to get a big gain.

14 years ago

Go to singleback normal and find halfback smash, it gets your hb to the hole fast and is good for 2point conversions

14 years ago

yall all are crazy playing the game and playing on line is two different things first off all running back don't run that fast and second the linebackers are faster then ur lineman so they blow up the hole, takeing away the speed burst was the worst thing every

Nintendo Forum
14 years ago

Great Tips! Very helpful stuff here.

14 years ago

Taking away the speed burst is what makes the game real players run at the speed they would run in a real game.