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Competitive Madden NFL 17 Tournaments

Madden 17 will have 4 major tournaments on the XBOX One and PlayStation 4 with a prize pool of $1,000,000.  The tournaments will run from August 2016 to June 2017.  You will be able to qualify online but the tournaments will be live and offline.

The 4 major Madden 17 tournaments hosted by EA Sports are:

  • Madden Classic (Fall)
  • Madden Bowl (Winter)
  • Madden Challenge (Spring)
  • Madden Championship (Summer)

You’ll also have a chance to compete at smaller independent tournaments to earn series points.

More details will come about these Madden NFL 17 events, but if you are serious about competing at the highest levels in Madden 17, now is a good time to start practicing.

We know the competitive Madden tournament scene pretty well so if you have questions, let us know in the comments.

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8 years ago

How do I sign up

8 years ago
Reply to  Madden School

Do you know any local tournaments schedule in the southeast preferably in the Tennessee area.

Fonté Wakefield
Fonté Wakefield
8 years ago

Hello my name is Fonté wondered how to sign up for the Madden tournament

8 years ago

I want to be in these tournaments.

8 years ago
Reply to  Samuel0995

I want to play in the tournament’s can u tell me what I have to do please

leon martinez
leon martinez
8 years ago
Reply to  Samuel0995

How do I get signed up I’m interested my email is and

8 years ago

Will madden tournament be available outside the US?

8 years ago
Reply to  Madden School

How do you get in the tourments

Angelo Miller
Angelo Miller
8 years ago

Do I need to buy the Super Deluxe Edition Madden 17 if im interested in playing in major tournaments?!

Thomas Swopshire
Thomas Swopshire
8 years ago

I’ve always played ranked games and made it to the top 100. Thats cool and all but i’m ready to take my talents to new heights. The problem is i have no knowledge when it comes to the tournament world. How do i qualify and how do i enter? Do i need to create a MUT team to do so? Help me out..

Angelo Miller
Angelo Miller
8 years ago

Hey man I’m in the same boat as you. I made it in the top 100 before 17 came out and I had only been playing online for 4 months. So if you find out any information please email me at “” and thanks man.

Victorysoup Inc
Victorysoup Inc
8 years ago

How do I get practice on a game that is not out yet. The true player already have a head start, by receiving the game early. Is this true?
How do I get ready now?

8 years ago

Is there going to be a tournament in Phoenix AZ this fall if so please email me..

Emanuel Brown
Emanuel Brown
8 years ago

I was trying to find out some information on the madden tournament entry.

8 years ago

Are there any strategy-based tournaments that don’t require stick skills?

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