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3-4 Under

Playbook: Kansas City Chiefs

Formation: 3-4 Under

Play: Cover 1 Hole


  1. Press your coverage (Y/Triangle + down on the left stick)
  2. Pinch your defensive line (left on the D-pad + down on the left stick)
  3. Slant inside on your defensive line (left on the D-pad + down on the right stick)
  4. QB contain (RB/R1 twice)
  5. Zone the blitzing outside linebacker (pick any zone)
  6. User the free safety and put yourself on a blitz angle
  7. Stand about 5 yards directly behind the defensive tackle and let the CPU take a few steps towards the line of scrimmage before dropping back into coverage

Overview: This 3-man blitz comes in very quickly against the majority of Shotgun passing plays. The coverage adjustments do not matter for this blitz as long as the 3 interior defensive linemen are blitzing and on a QB contain.

Playbook: Kansas City Chiefs

Formation: 3-4 Under

Play: Tampa 2


  1. Base Align
  2. Pinch your defensive line and crash them down
  3. QB Contain
  4. Put your OLB on the left into a zone
  5. Put your MLB on the right into a QB Spy
  6. (Optional) Adjust the coverage behind the blitz

Overview: This play can often bring fast pressure while only rushing 3 people. Even if the pressure doesn’t get home, you still have a lot of guys in coverage.

Playbook: Kansas City Chiefs

Formation: 3-4 Under

Play: Cover 3 Sky


  1. Base Align
  2. Pinch your defensive line and crash them down
  3. QB Contain
  4. Put your OLB on the left into a zone
  5. Put your MLB on the right into a QB Spy
  6. Put your safety who was in purple zone into a deep half

Overview: This is my favorite zone coverage play from this formation since it is hard to bomb this play deep for a 1 play touchdown when you make these adjustments. You are rushing 3 and you will often get 1 guy free.

Playbook: Kansas City Chiefs

Formation: 3-4 Under

Play: Cover 4 Quarters


  1. Base Align
  2. Pinch your defensive line and crash them down
  3. QB Contain
  4. Put your OLB on the left into a zone
  5. Put your MLB on the right into a QB Spy

Overview: This variation is one you want to mix in every now and then to keep your opponent guessing which coverage you have behind the pressure. Cover 4 quarters is somewhat of a Zone/Man hybrid defense and it can confuse your opponent just enough for the pressure to get there.

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4 years ago

how do you crash down your DLine is it just pinch ?

4 years ago

None of these blitz get home lol

4 years ago

Please guys, include the button sequences for these.
It’s annoying to have to look them up and do it myself.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tristen

agreed, please please <3 sent with love, thanks for everything!