In this member’s only Film Room tip, we are going over a play that is just about unstoppable if you have a fast QB and will really confuse your opponent.
Check out the full breakdown below!
Playbook: Spread
Formation: Gun Flex Y Off
Play: Mtn Counter (Flipped)
- Come out in the play flipped
- If the defense is pinched run to the outside, if the defense is more spread you can run straight up the middle
Overview: In this tip, we are breaking down what seems to be a bug in the game. This play is designed as a counter to the running back however the QB gets control immediately and can get a speed boost in whichever direction you hold the left stick. Most of the time you will want to dart to the outside before your opponent can figure out what hit him.
I cannot find This formation to put into my custom playbook smh
Unfortunately this formation is not available in custom playbooks.
Two questions was this adrsssed with the latest patch and can I just customize the spread playbook so I can have it in my customs ?
This got nerfed w/the last update