Playbook: New Orleans Saints
Formation: Pistol Slot Wing
Play: HB Stretch
Setup: None Required
- Follow the blockers and either cut it up or bounce to the outside
Overview: Having this run in more than one formation will cause a panic for the defense. Changing formations can really confuse your opponent, so really they will not know what to run against these formations. This is because there is deadly run plays and pass plays.
Playbook: New Orleans Saints
Formation: Pistol Slot Wing
Play: HB Counter
Setup: None Required
- Follow the blocking
Overview: Again having this combination in the same formation is very lethal. To your opponent it will all look the same because it is in the same formation and if they over commit to the stretch, the counter will be open for a huge gain.
Playbook: New Orleans Saints
Formation: Pistol Slot Wing
Play: Corner Strike
- Put the Y/Triangle receiver on a drag
- Put the A/X receiver on a drag
- The first reads are the drag routes
- The second reads are the corner routes
Overview: This is a great play to use against man coverage. It will also be very good to use if you are in a situation where you either need to save your timeouts or do not have timeouts so you can stop the clock.