Playbook: Detroit Lions
Formation: Nickel 3-3-5 Odd
Play: Cover 3 Sky Show 4
- Base Align
- Press coverage
- Blitz the LB on the left
- (Optional) QB Contain
Overview: The pressure should come in from the blitzing cornerback or the linebacker on the left.
Playbook: Detroit Lions
Formation: Dime Normal
Play: Dime Blitz 2
- Base Align
- Press coverage
- Blitz your MLB
- Put your DE on the left into a zone and adjust the coverage how you’d like
Overview: This is a situational play when you need pressure from a slot cornerback. Don’t call it more than once or twice per game.
Playbook: Detroit Lions
Formation: Dime Normal
Play: Fox Fire Zone Press
- Base Align
- Press Coverage
- Pinch Dline
Overview: This play brings pressure from the slot cornerback while having a cover 3 defensive shell behind it.
Playbook: Detroit Lions
Formation: 3-4 Under
Play: Cover 3 Buzz Show 2
- Base Align
- Spread your defensive line
- Blitz the OLB on the left
- Put the DE on the right into a zone
- (Optional) Put the FS into a curl flat zone
Overview: This is an effective 4 man rush that brings pressure through the B-gap.
do you guys have any run d by chance?
Run defense isn’t something that is too difficult this year. Is there a specific run you are struggling to stop?
Outside runs
how do stop quarterback sneaks
I would like to know a shutdown man defense
Man to man defense in general isn’t a great go to defense in Madden. It can be good as a change of pace play or if you catch your opponent off guard but if your opponent knows it is coming, it is very easy to beat.
When I user, the guy I control will never put his hands up to pick off the ball. What am I doing wrong?