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Madden 25 Passing Accuracy Chart

madden 25 quarterback accuracyEA Sports has come right out and said what their throw accuracy ratings (SAC/MAC/DAC) mean in Madden 25.  If you have a quarterback with 95 SAC, 88 MAC, and 82 DAC that means that out of 100 short throws, 95 of them will be on target.  Out of 100 middle throws 88 of them will be on target, and out of 100 deep throws 82 of them will be on target.

We will take EA Sports at their word with that information for the simple reason that they have no incentive to provide false information.

With that idea in mind, we decided to put together a chart that shows what percentage of passes you can expect to complete based off of a quarterback’s throw accuracy rating. Click the image to enlarge it.

passing accuracy madden 25We will go over a few examples with real quarterbacks from the game to help clarify what the above chart means.

Tim Tebow has a 67 MAC rating.  So out of 20 middle passes:

  • He will be accurate on 20/20 passes 0% of the time.
  • He will be accurate on 19/20 passes 0% of the time.
  • He will be accurate on 18/20 passes 2% of the time.
  • He will be accurate an 17/20 passes 5% of the time.
  • He will be accurate 16/20 passes 9% of the time
  • He will be accurate on 15 or less/20 passes 84% of the time

Tom Brady has a 95 SAC rating. So out of 20 short passes:

  • He will be accurate on 20/20 passes 36% of the time
  • He will be accurate on 19/20 passes 38% of the time
  • He will be accurate on 18/20 passes 19% of the time
  • He will be accurate on 17/20 passes 6% of the time
  • He will be accurate on 16/20 passes 1% of the time
  • He will be accurate on 15 or less/20 passes 0% of the time

Just to clarify, this doesn’t track how many completions a quarterback will have.  Other factors go into that such as a wide receivers spectacular catch rating (making catches on passes that are inaccurate) and defenders with great coverage skills deflecting passes.  It only shows how many times that quarterback will make an accurate throw.

The actionable takeaways from this Maddenalysis is when using a quarterback like Tim Tebow, you should expect that if he throw 20 middle passes he will be accurate on 15 or less of them 84% of the time.  Hopefully this quantifies in a more understandable way how the quarterback accuracy stats effect actual Madden 25 gameplay.

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11 years ago

Really nice! Thanks for posting.

11 years ago

Over on Reddit weve been trying to figure out what the Throwing Accuracy stat does as a standalone in Connected Franchises when upgrading players as it is a skill that you can put up independantly from SAC MAC and DAC

Please can you have a look at this and help get an answer, here is the thread