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Madden 17 Zone Beater: Gun Bunch HB STR Verticals

In today’s free Madden School tip, we are going over a play that destroys zone defenses that is found in the Arizona Cardinals offensive playbook.

You can check it out below.

Madden 17 Zone Beater: Gun Bunch HB STR Verticals

Madden School UnlimitedPlaybook: Arizona Cardinals

Formation: Gun Bunch HB STR

Play: Verticals


  1. Put the A/X receiver on a slant route
  2. Put the B/circle receiver on a drag route


  1. The first read is the drag route
  2. The second read is the slant route
  3. The third read is the RB/R1 receiver deeper over the middle
  4. The check down on the play is the running back

Overview: This play is very useful against a zone defense. The route concepts in this play flood the zones and when making the correct read someone is open for a nice gain.


This is how the play art should look right before you snap the ball.


Notice all three of our receivers on the right coming over the middle of the field.


We choose to throw to the receiver on the drag route.


By the time we are tackled, we have about a 9 yard gain and we will hopefully be able to force our opponent out of zone defense.

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