In today’s free Madden 17 tip, we are going over one of the plays found in our first Madden 17 defensive ebook. This eBook is currently only available to our Madden School Unlimited members. Unlimited members receive every tip, scheme, and ebook we release for all of Madden 17.
You are only rushing 5 guys and you will notice pressure from your middle linebacker through the B Gap. The left tackle should completely ignore him. leading to an easy sack.
Here is the full breakdown.
Playbook: Jacksonville Jaguars
Formation: 46 Normal
Play: Cover 3
- Base Align
- Spread your defensive line
- Blitz your MLB and your OLB on the right
- Put your defensive end on the left in a QB Spy
- (Optional) Adjust the zones behind it however you’d like
Overview: The faster your MLB is, the better this play will be for you. This blitz may still get in even if your opponent is blocking a running back as long as the running back is blocking on the right side of the field. Mix this play in with the other setups found in the 46 Normal formation.
We already have 2 ebooks out for Madden 17! One for offense and one for defense. Unlimited members get immediate access to those ebooks and every other ebook we release for Madden all for less than the price of 2 ebooks! It is our best value and it truly includes everything you need to dominate in Madden NFL 17.