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46 Bear Under (Flipped)

Playbook: Seattle Seahawks

Formation: 46 Bear Under

Play: LB Dogs (Flipped)


  1. Pinch your defensive line
  2. Put your MLB into a QB spy and place him between the LG and the C (see video for positioning). Hold down LT/L2 for a split second after the ball is snapped, then go cover the man you were originally supposed to be cover.
  3. (Optional) Press coverage and shade over the top

Overview: This play works even if your opponent blocks his running back. It may take a little practice to get the positioning of your MLB down so take it into practice mode or a meaningless game first.

Playbook: Seattle Seahawks

Formation: 46 Bear Under

Play: LB Dogs 3 (Flipped)


  1. (Optional) Set zone depths
  2. Base Align
  3. Pinch your defensive line
  4. Blitz the guy in the purple zone on the left side of the screen
  5. Put your MLB into a QB spy and place him between the LG and the C (see video for positioning). Hold down LT/L2 for a split second after the ball is snapped, then pull off into coverage

Overview: This is a great play for 3rd or 4th and long when you don’t want to be in a Cover 0 look. It works exactly the same as the man to man version of this play resulting in dual edge pressure.

Playbook: Seattle Seahawks

Formation: 46 Bear Under

Play: Cover 1 (Flipped)


  1. Pinch your defensive line
  2. Put your MLB into a QB spy and place him between the LG and the C (see video for positioning). Hold down LT/L2 for a split second after the ball is snapped, then go cover the man you were originally supposed to be cover.

Overview: We want to call this play if our opponent refuses to block his running back. We rush 5 and we get 1 guy free against 5 guys blocking

Playbook: Seattle Seahawks

Formation: 46 Bear Under

Play: Cover 3 (Coverage Defense)


  1. Set your zone depths to 5 or 10 yards for curl flats and 20-25 yards for cloud flats
  2. Base Align
  3. Put the defensive end who is rushing in a hard flat
  4. Blitz the LB in the yellow zone on the opposite side of the DE you put into a zone and user him (see video for more details)

Overview: Flipping this play is optional depending on the side of the field your opponent is on. You want to make everything else look exactly the same so your opponent blocks an extra guy or 2.

Playbook: Seattle Seahawks

Formation: 46 Bear Under

Play: Cover 3 (Run Defense)


  1. Base Align
  2. Pinch your linebackers
  3. User the MLB and put him on a blitz
  4. (Optional) Spread your DL or shift them to the side opposite of the running back

Overview: This play does a good job of slowing down most run plays without completely selling out to stop the run.

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3 years ago

most time is use Bear, it switches the asignments and it doesn’t work? base aligning doesn’t work either.

3 years ago

it keep saying video does not exist ……wth

3 years ago

Evveryone is using 335 wide or nickel triple glitch blitzes that can’t be blocked. Can we have tips on how to play these people?? Thanks for hard work1