Playbook: New England Patriots
Formation: 4-3 Under
Play: Sam Blitz 2
- Base Align
- Press coverage
- Spread your defensive line and crash them out
- Pinch your linebackers
- Put the MLB on the left side of the screen into a QB Spy
- Release the spy (R3) as soon as the ball gets snapped
Overview: This blitz screams right up the A gap or around the edge
Playbook: New England Patriots
Formation: 4-3 Under
Play: Mike Will Cross Press
- Base Align
- Press coverage
- Spread your defensive line and crash them out
- Pinch your linebackers
- Re-blitz the OLB on the right side of the screen
- Put the DE on the left side of the screen into a hard flat
Overview: This is a solid blitz to mix in with the Sam Blitz 2 defense.
With the sam blitz 2 do I hit R3 after the ball is snapped or do I continuously hit the button until the ball is snapped?
Hit it right after the ball is snapped
Ok thanks
Can you put the patriots defensive playbook in text form?
What is the sequence for crashing the Defensive line out
L1/LB plus up on the right stick