Playbook: Minnesota Vikings
Formation: 4-3 Over Plus
Play: Tampa 2
- Base Align
- Pinch the defensive line
- Slant the defensive line to the left
- Blitz the right side of screen linebacker
- Stand in the left A Gap with one of linebackers in the yellow zones and hold LT
Overview: Here we are blitzing only five people and getting right side pressure on the QB from the linebacker. This is going to force our opponent to block extra people in order to pick up the blitz. Leaving less routes for us to cover with the zones behind us.
Playbook: Minnesota Vikings
Formation: 4-3 Over Plus
Play: Cover 3 Sky Wk
- Base Align
- Pinch the defensive line
- Slant the defensive line to the left
- Blitz the right side of screen linebacker
- Stand in the left A Gap with one of linebackers in the yellow zones and hold LT
Overview: This is the alternate setup for the Cover 3 play, this one looks exactly the same as our other blitzes but now we have the luxury to have a Cover 3 look as well. These are quick setups making it easy to adjust the zones behind the blitz.
Playbook: Minnesota Vikings
Formation: 4-3 Over Plus
Play: Cover 3 Sky Wk (Alternate Version)
- Base Align
- Spread the defensive line
- Slant the defensive line to the right
- Blitz the right side of screen linebacker
- Stand over the center with one of linebackers in the yellow zones and hold LT
Overview: Here we are blitzing only five people and getting instant left side pressure on the QB from the defensive end. We are doing this from a Cover 3 style defense, but we can adjust the zones and we disguise our defense by base aligning.
Playbook: Minnesota Vikings
Formation: 4-3 Over Plus
Play: Cover 2 Man
- Base Align
- Pinch the defensive line
- Slant the defensive line to the left
- Blitz the right side of screen linebacker
- Stand in the left A Gap with one of linebackers and hold LT
Overview: Here we are blitzing only five people and getting right side pressure on the QB from the linebacker. On this play we are making our blitzes look exactly the same however, we have man coverage with two safeties over top in this play. Mixing the coverages is an important aspect of Madden.
Playbook: Minnesota Vikings
Formation: 4-3 Over Plus
Play: Cover 1
- Base Align
- Pinch the defensive line
- Slant the defensive line to the left
- Blitz the right side of screen linebacker
- Put the linebacker on the left side that is blitzing in a yellow zone
- Stand in the left A Gap with one of linebackers in the yellow zones and hold LT
Overview: Here we are blitzing only five people and getting right side pressure on the QB from the linebacker. Again, we are forcing the opponent to block our blitz and we are confusing them by mixing up our coverages. This is a single safety playing deep that looks exactly the same as the other defenses.
Playbook: Minnesota Vikings
Formation: 4-3 Over Plus
Play: Cover 4 Quarters (Run Defense)
- Base Align
- Press Coverage
- Pinch the defensive line
- Play underneath Coverage
- Bring the Safeties down a few steps
Overview: This is our run defense for the formation, you will be able to stop any type of run in the game using this play. User one of the linebackers and fill any gaps that appear to be open. On outside runs bring your user to the outside and it will force the ball carrier inside and tackled.
hey Madden School, you think these would still work in M20?
It is very unlikely that any of the defenses from previous years still work in Madden 20