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3-4 Odd

Playbook: Miami Dolphins

Formation: 3-4 Odd

Play: Will Buck 3 Press


  1. Base Align
  2. Pinch DL and crash them out
  3. Pinch LBs
  4. Blitz the OLB on the right
  5. User the blitzing MLB on the left and manually pull him into coverage

Overview: You should get pretty consistent pressure with this play if your opponent isn’t blocking extra guys.

Playbook: Miami Dolphins

Formation: 3-4 Odd

Play: Edge Blitz 3


  1. Base Align
  2. Pinch DL and crash them out
  3. Pinch LBs
  4. Blitz the MLB on the left
  5. User the blitzing MLB on the right and manually pull him into coverage

Overview: Edge Blitz 3 is a better version of Will Buck 3 Press and results in more consistent pressure.

Playbook: Miami Dolphins

Formation: 3-4 Odd

Play: Edge Blitz 3 (Version 2 – With RB Blocking)


  1. Base Align
  2. Pinch DL and crash them out
  3. Pinch LBs
  4. Blitz all LBs
  5. User the blitzing MLB on the opposite side of the RB and manually pull him into coverage

Overview: Even with a running back blocking, we should be able to get a free blitzer.

Playbook: Miami Dolphins

Formation: 3-4 Odd

Play: Pinch Dog 2 Press (Version 1)


  1. Base Align
  2. Pinch LBs
  3. Blitz MLB on the opposite side of the RB and user him and pull him into coverage

Overview: This is a very easy setup. The angles of the blitzing OLBs allow them to close on the quarterback very fast.

Playbook: Miami Dolphins

Formation: 3-4 Odd

Play: Pinch Dog 2 Press (Against a RB Blocking)


  1. Base Align
  2. Pinch LBs
  3. Blitz All LBs
  4. User MLB on the opposite side of the RB

Overview: If your opponent starts to block an extra guy, this play should still get in rushing 6 defenders against 6 guys blocking.

Playbook: Miami Dolphins

Formation: 3-4 Odd

Play: Pinch Buck 0


  1. Base Align
  2. Crash the DL out
  3. QB Contain
  4. Put the DT in a QB Spy
  5. Put the Blitzing MLB into a qb spy and user him

Overview: This is a bit of a different concept that can work pretty well. It isn’t incredibly consistent but it can provide quick pressure.

Playbook: Miami Dolphins

Formation: 3-4 Odd

Play: Cover 4 Drop Show 2


  1. Make the setup look like any of the blitzes from this formation

Overview: When you send constant pressure that gets in even with an extra running back blocking, your opponent will start to block 7 guys. When this happens, you will want to go into a max coverage defense like this one.

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4 years ago

Personally I cannot get these plays to really generate any pressure. They don’t stop the run or the short pass and if any pressure does come it usually doesn’t get there. I’m not looking for glitches but I can’t get these plays or those in the Chiefs to work very well!! Not sure what I’m doing wrong but….

4 years ago
Reply to  theJones

yeah same, I try a heap of plays that seem to work in videos and when I run them exactly the same!…..nothing

4 years ago

No offense no defense

4 years ago

thank you,plays are very hepful. notice a difference right away

4 years ago

These are fire plays, anyone who is saying that they aren’t working is clearly doing something wrong