Playbook: New York Giants
Formation: 34 Odd
Play: 34 Odd Defensive Intro
Overview: This formation is a great mix in for my defense because it is completely symmetrical. Everything looks exactly the same from left to right and I can create easy pressure from either side using the exact same setup and the exact same plays.
The personnel adjustments I make for this formation are putting my fastest linebackers at the OLB spots, and then possibly subbing in corners at the safety spots if the team you are using has low rated safeties or safeties that aren’t good in man coverage.
Playbook: New York Giants
Formation: 34 Odd
Play: Pinch Dog 2 Press (Flipped) Edge heat
- Base Align
- Show Blitz
- Spread/Pinch LBs
- Crash D Line Up
- Blitz MLB to the side we want to blitz
- Zone the opposite side OLB
Overview: This is the setup I use to give a cover 2 look while blitzing off either side. I like this play vs Tampa 2 because you can set it up to either side without having to additionally flip the play again. I also like this play more than I like Tampa 2 because it comes with soft squats from both corners, so I can either keep them or easily switch them to cloud or hard flats.
Playbook: New York Giants
Formation: 34 Odd
Play: Will Buck 3 Press
- Base Align
- Show Blitz
- Spread/Pinch LBs
- Crash D Line Up
- QB contain
Overview: This is the play I go to when I want to play from a cover 3 look. What I like about this play is because we have a looping linebacker, it will also come in vs max protection sometimes. We will either get that looping linebacker free, the outside linebacker off the edge, or the defensive end through the B gap.
Playbook: New York Giants
Formation: 34 Odd
Play: Pinch Buck 0 (double edge)
- Base Align
- Show Blitz
- Spread/Pinch LBs
- Crash D Line Up
- QB Contain
Overview: This play is excellent because it is a man look and also gives us two guys coming free at the quarterback in case they run a TE blocked to one side. We don’t play a ton of straight up man from this formation so when we do, we will also be sending our best heat at our opponent, so the man allows us a chance of forcing a turnover off a rushed throw.
Playbook: New York Giants
Formation: 34 Odd
Play: Pinch Dog 2 Press (Flipped) Double edge heat
- Base Align
- Show Blitz
- Spread/Pinch LBs
- Reblitz left side MLB
- Crash D Line up
- QB Contain
Overview: This is the double edge setup that we get from Pinch Buck 0, but from this play it gives it to us with a zone look. A lot of the time I will use this in a 3rd or 4th and short look when I need to heat my opponent up and force them to make a quick read. I will play underneath coverage to turn the defense into hard flats and then try to get a quick pick over the middle to their hot read.
Playbook: New York Giants
Formation: 34 Odd
Play: Cover 6
- Base Align
- Show Blitz
- Spread/Pinch LBs
- Crash D Line to the blitzing OLB side
- Blitz MLB to blitzing side
Overview: I love the cover 6 concept, which makes this probably my favorite play to blitz out of. You have the option of blitzing from either side if you flip the play. With this defense you can either play the flat zones in hard flats, cloud flats, or put the short corner into a soft squat.
Playbook: New York Giants
Formation: 34 Odd
Play: Cover 4 Quarters
- Base Align
- Show Blitz
- Spread/Pinch LBs
- Reblitz OLB to blitzing side
- Crash D Line Up/To blitzing side
- QB Contain
Overview: In this play we are bringing the same pressure but from a cover 4 look. In addition to keeping the cover 4 look, I do like to turn the outside deep quarter zones into deep third zones to prevent us from getting torched overtop due to how cover 4 plays with the new patch.
Playbook: New York Giants
Formation: 34 Odd
Play: Cover 3 Buzz Buck
- Base Align
- Show Blitz
- Spread/Pinch LBs
- Crash D Line Up
- Adjust coverage as needed/shown in video
Overview: This is my go to coverage D from this formation. You are able to cross man both MLBs and then play on the safety in a hook zone, or able to man up the safety and another linebacker and then user the other MLB. Either way, I am generally going to man up 1 or 2 of the hook zones on this play and user the one I do not man up.
Playbook: New York Giants
Formation: 34 Odd
Play: Adjustments Breakdown
Overview: These are not all the adjustments I make from this formation since I like to randomly adjust based off what my opponent is trying to do, but these are some of the adjustments I like to go to just to throw some different looks at my opponent.
I noticed all the plays have show blitz. its really hard to cover deep if you’re playing someone who can read defense and has fast WR. How can you counter that on a consistent bases?
You can manually move your cornerbacks and safeties back if you are getting beat deep consistently
This is great. Question. I do salary cap with 3-4 odd and show blitz and spread LBs like you do and like to send a lot of blitzes (though yours here look better than mine). Personnel wise, I put budget players at OLB and then put fast hot shots at corners and safeties. Nonetheless, my OLBs are very fast, just stupid (low awareness and play recognition) and low zone coverage. Grugier Hill and Bucannon right now. My thinking here is that I’m blitzing these guys off the edge a lot, putting more stress on my secondary to make plays in coverage. Would you agree with this or should I be getting Telvin Smith or Von Miller and skimp elsewhere on defense? (my DL is kind of in the middle right now – clowney, Malcom Brown at DT and Casey) Thanks for your help.
When you are bringing pressure, I like your setup with fast/unawaress guys. If you are dropping back into coverage, that is when you need really good defensive lineman and pass rushers.
What will work after the October patch ?
The coverage adjustments video…Did you just get bored and add some random dude off the street? Slowdown and explain it and give the position you’re adjusting… not “man him up, put him in yellow, blitz him… Etc”. Come on guys
An experienced madden player would have no problem following him.. hes fine
If you need to watch the video a few times that’s fine.. personally I find it extremely annoying when videos go extremely slow and and breakdown every little button pushed
Seriously, can’t even follow the dude on the coverage adjustments video. Stop wasting our time and just post the coverage adjustment stuff.