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3-4 Even

Playbook: New York Giants

Formation: 3-4 Even

Play: Mike Scrape 3 Press


  1. Base Align
  2. Slant the defensive line to the right
  3. QB Contain

Overview: Here we have a very simple blitz setup that is also very effective. This blitz cannot be slide protected by the offense, so even if the offense slide protects to the right it will have no effect on this blitz. With a quick setup like this it gives you plenty of time to adjust the defense behind you to fit your opponent’s offense.

Playbook: New York Giants

Formation: 3-4 Even

Play: Will Fire 3 Seam (version 1)


  1. Base Align
  2. Spread your Defensive line
  3. Pinch your linebackers
  4. QB Contain

Overview: The looping linebacker should come in free through the B Gap

Playbook: New York Giants

Formation: 3-4 Even

Play: Will Fire 3 Seam (Version 2)


  1. Base Align
  2. Spread your Defensive line
  3. Pinch your linebackers
  4. Blitz your OLB on the right
  5. QB Contain
  6. Hold the MLB in the yellow zone over the RG and hold LT

Overview: This play should bring pressure from the right edge and through the left B-gap so even if your opponent blocks an extra guy, we should still get a rusher free.

Playbook: New York Giants

Formation: 3-4 Even

Play: Cover 1 QB Contain


  1. Spread your defensive line
  2. Spread your linebackers
  3. User the LB on the left, hover over the LG and hold LT/L2
  4. (Optional) Put the OLB on the left into a zone
  5. (Optional) Put the DE on the left into a zone

Overview: As long as your opponent isn’t blocking extra guys, this blitz will come in free off the right edge.

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6 years ago

How do u stop the pa cross