Playbook: Kansas City Chiefs
Formation: 3-4 Over
Play: Will Buck 3 Press
- Base Align
- Crash your defensive line down
- QB Contain
- Re-blitz the ROLB (on the left side of the screen)
- (Optional) Re-position the blitzing MLB to be directly over the RE
Summary: The 3-4 over has some very good pre-built blitzes. This one can get good heat without too much setup involved.
Playbook: Kansas City Chiefs
Formation: 3-4 Over
Play: Trio Sky Zone
- Base Align
- Spread the defensive line
- Spread your linebackers
- Globally blitz all LB’s
- Hot route the MLB on the right to a hook zone
- Hot route the LOLB to a vert hook
Overview: This play works from both sides and sends 4 or 5 man pressure at the QB with a solid cover 3 shell behind it.
Playbook: Kansas City Chiefs
Formation: 3-4 Solid
Play: Trio Sky Zone
- Base align
- Pinch your defensive line and crash them out
Overview: This is a very quick and easy setup from the 3-4 Solid, which works from both sides (works better from the left side) without giving away your coverage.