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Quarter Normal

Playbook: Seattle Seahawks

Formation: Quarter Normal

Play: Fz Sky 3


  1. Base Align
  2. Press coverage
  3. Pinch and crash the defensive line down
  4. (Optional) QB Contain
  5. (Optional) Put your DE on the left into a coverage

Overview: Mix this play in.  It works really well against some formations and not great against others.

Playbook: Seattle Seahawks

Formation: Quarter Normal

Play: Overload 3


  1. Base Align
  2. Crash DL Down
  3. Press coverage
  4. Move MLB slightly to the right (between C and RG)

Overview: This is one of the best A-gap blitzes to use is passing situations.  You get fast unblocked pressure right up the middle unless your opponent starts blocking extra guys.

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