As many passionate madden fans know, madden gamers have their own language that they use to communicate. So we decided put together a resource for people new to madden 15. We will be updating this list regularly. If you hear a phrase used by other madden gamers that isn’t on our list, leave us a comment and we will be sure to let you know what it means.
Madden Online Dictionary
Bandwagon Jumper – a player who only uses elite teams rather than switching around or staying with their favorite team.
Bum– Usually a player that glitches or does something that is not considered playing fair or a high level player that plays only low level players.
Bum Hunter – a player who only plays others that are a much lower level than they are in order to win more games than they otherwise would.
BNR– Bump and Run coverage
Cheese– A play or playing style that is considered unethical or not fair. It isn’t a glitch but it is frowned upon by some gamers.
Concede– If a player is losing by at least 21 at half or 17 at the beginning of the 4th quarter than they may request to concede to the other player. This will end the game and the player that conceded will receive a loss and the other person receives a win.
DC– (Disconnect) When a player quits or leaves a game and the game is not recorded or both players get a loss.
DNF– Did Not Finish; The percentage of games you either quit, or got disconnected on. Friendly quits, concedes or mercy do not raise this percentage.
“Fag D”– Defense that drops more than 8 guys into coverage, usually using defensive lineman, with very little to no rush on the quarterback.
Free Wins– Players that set up two systems and play themselves on two different accounts in order to win every time. This is a much more prevalent practice on PS2 and PS3 than Xbox 360.
Freestyle Players– These players are win at all costs type players, if it is in the game they will use it. These are usually hardcore gamers.
Friendly Quit– Both players agree to quit the game and it is not counted towards your record.
Gauntlet– Tournaments between different clubs.
Glitchers– Players that will quit, leave the game, or expliot flaws in the game which leads to the game not be recorded. These users usually have a large number of wins and very small number of losses.
Gg– Good game
Gh– Good half
Mercy– If a player is winning by at least 22 at half or 17 at the beginning of the 4th quarter they may request mercy. If the other player accepts than the game will end and the player that offered the mercy recieves a win and the other recieves a loss.
Money Play– A play that if run correctly works every time. It is a go-to play usually used when you really need a first down or a touchdown.
Nanos– Defensive plays where a player shoots through the offensive line and is not blocked usually resulting in an easy sack.
Rep– Reputation
Rocket Catch– A form of user catching that is impossible to stop if done right. Throwing the ball up high, and turning around and catching it before the CB can make a move on the ball.
Run it/re– Rematch
Skunked– When you are up by more than 21 on your opponent.
Straight/Sim Players– Also called str8, these players play the game in a way that is similar to how NFL games are played on Sundays. They don’t glitch or cheat in any way.
User– to control a player (instead of letting the cpu do it for you) while they make a catch, tackle, sack, pick etc.
There are so many madden terms out there that we are sure to have missed a few, so leave us a comment with the word and the definition and we will update the post as the comments come in. Hopefully these terms come in handy when playing online in Madden NFL 15.
Manual Juke- While sprinting, juking with your left analog stick. Usually works on a user controlled defender in the open space or as a fast player against the computer.
Your definition of a sim gamer is slightly offensive in assuming most of us our casual gamers. Although I hate the terms hardcore and casual I would say most of the people that actually call themselves sim are actually pretty hardcore or at the very least they are normally hardcore when it comes to madden.
Playing to win at any cost isn’t a requirement to be a “hardcore” gamer.
Offesnive? come on bruh.
Dot: Precision pass that cuts the zone or is just out of reach of a defender
IP Booter: A player that uses his computer to kick his opponent offline, thus resulting in an easy win
im sure there are tons more but its hard to focus on this when im watch the USMNT!!!!!
There are Sim Players which are the players that play close to real life
Ranked Players that use the chesse to get their ranks high to make themselves feel better
Comp players that play on GamerSaloon or enter tourneys usually for money and tend to avoid ranked matches spending most of their time in practice mode
Labbing: using the games practice mode to work on blitzes or money plays—can also be done between 2 players in unranked games
the “manual juke” mentioned before is also referred to as “Left Stick Juke” or getting “left sticked” much like getting “hit sticked”
There are literally a million words we use. lol
Dumping Mary- Running a Hail Mary play with a speedy QB with the intent of running or dumping off to a RB on a Curl route if the person covering him leaves.
Lag switching. People who lag to slow the game down during run plays, kickoffs and touchdown scenarios, they are usually kicked for excessive grieving.
Also Qu33rz… People who quit be4 the first half!