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Madden 25 Title Update

Madden 25 Title Update Details – September 10th, 2024

A new title update was released today that attempted to fix a few of the biggest problems with Madden 25.

Here’s what is in the update:

  • Addressed the issue with Smart Routed Custom Stems resulting in a Speed Boost off the line at the snap
  • Tuning to decrease the effectiveness of a specific QB-rollout speed boost exploit
  • Addressed an issue preventing the Curl Flat zone depth coach adjustment from working properly when set at less than 15 yards
  • Addressed an issue causing Curl Flat defenders to continue to drift away from an eligible receiving threat in close proximity
  • Addressed an issue causing outside Deep Third defenders to get out of position when covering corner routes, or giving up too much cushion vs. corner routes.
  • Addressed an issue in Squads causing the QB control to switch to a teammate at the snap
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