The ratings for each player on the San Francisco 49ers in Madden NFL 20 can be found below.
Feel free to search and sort for the players you are looking for. Who is over rated? Who is under rated? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.
wdt_ID | Name | Team | POS | OVR | SPD | ACC | STR | AWR | THP | CTH | CIT | SPC | PAC | PUR | BCV | SPN | PWR | FMV | TAM | RBK | PBK | INJ | TKL | TRK | TAS | JUK | PRC | SRR | MRR | DRR | JMP | TGH | TOR | MCV | ZCV | STF | REL | HP | KPW | KAC | BRS | IBL | STA | CAR | BTK | TUP | PBK | PRS | TAD | BKS | AGI | ELU | KR |
Goodwin is underrated
jimmy g is underrated
Goodwin is always hurt so, yeah…underrated? Hard to rate someone that has missed so many games overall and especially the last couple of years.
kittle is underrated, and nick bosa
dude kittle is not underrated he is were he needs to be but nick is underrated