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Madden 17: Gun Tight Offset TE – PA Seams Shot

In today’s free Madden 17 tip, we are going over an easy way to beat Tampa 2 coverages in this year’s game.

We’ve got the full breakdown below.

Madden 17: Gun Tight Offset TE - PA Seams Shot

Playbook: Los Angeles Rams

Formation: Tight Offset TE

Play: PA Seams Shot


  1. Move the A/X receiver over to the left
  2. Put the X/Square receiver on an out route
  3. Put the B/O receiver on a slant route


  1. Your first read is the Y/triangle receiver on a corner route
  2. Your second read is the X/square receiver on an out route
  3. Your third read is the B/O receiver on a slant route

Overview: This is a great cover 2 beater that can effectively and easily beat cover 2 in many ways.

Madden 17 Guides Unlimited

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