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Madden 16: Pistol Weak Twins Flex – HB Toss Wk

In this free Madden School strategy, we are going over a way to get some big yards on the ground in Madden 16.  We are in the Pistol Weak Twins Flex formation and the play is called HB Toss Wk.

We have the breakdown on how to run the play below.

Madden 16 Running Play: Pistol Weak Twins Flex - HB Toss Wk

Playbook: Pistol

Formation: Pistol Weak Twins Flex

Play: HB Toss Wk


  1. Sub in your fastest running back
  2. (Optional) Sub in some good run blocking wide receivers or tight ends.

Overview: If you have a pretty fast running back, you should be able to get to the outside and turn the ball upfield.  Sometimes your receivers may miss their blocks which could result in a few yards lost.

Let’s take a look at this play in more detail.

Madden 16 Pistol Weak Twins Flex HB Toss Wk #1

This is how the play should look before we snap the ball.  You will notice this it is a bit of a unique formation.

Madden 16 Pistol Weak Twins Flex HB Toss Wk #2

You can see right away that we have some really good blocks forming in front of our running back.

Madden 16 Pistol Weak Twins Flex HB Toss Wk #3

We are able to get to the outside and then we turn the ball up field.

Madden 16 Pistol Weak Twins Flex HB Toss Wk

We finally get pushed out of bounds for about a 15 yard gain.

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Darius Kirkpatrick
Darius Kirkpatrick
9 years ago

when are they going to fix the throwing out of bounds

9 years ago

what are those