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Gun Bunch Str

Playbook: Arizona Cardinals

Formation: Gun Bunch HB STR

Play: PA Bunch Shot


  1. Max Protect


  1. Against a cover 4 defense, hit your X/square receiver deep (lead pass to the sideline – see video for timing)
  2. Against other defenses, look to the B/circle receiver

Overview: This is a deep shot play against cover 4 defenses but the B/circle receiver can get open against other defenses as well.

Playbook: Arizona Cardinals

Formation: Gun Bunch HB STR

Play: Y Trial


  1. (Optional) Block your running back


  1. Your first read is always the B/circle receiver on the drag route
  2. Against cover 2, look to the RB/R1 receiver on the corner route
  3. Against cover 3, look to the X/square receiver on the post route
  4. The final read is the tight end coming back across the middle of the field

Overview: This is a really hard play to stop if you are good with making reads. Unfortunately, there isn’t 1 easy read on this play.

Playbook: Arizona Cardinals

Formation: Gun Bunch STR

Play: HB Draw

Setup: None required

Overview: Once your opponent starts worrying about all of the different passing options from this formation and starts dropping extra guys into coverage, hit him with the HB Draw. This play won’t be effective if he is blitzing extra guys.

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6 years ago

Loving This Pb ?? Working well for me