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Dime 1-4-6

Playbook: New York Giants

Formation: Dime 1-4-6

Play: Cover 2 Sink


  1. Press Coverage
  2. Shift the defensive line to the side of the running back
  3. Slant Outside the defensive line
  4. QB Contain
  5. Man up the running back with the linebacker in the yellow zone (technically it is a safety if you subbed a safety into this spot)
  6. Make sure the blitzing cornerback is moved in a little (see video for positioning).

Overview: In this play we go over how to get fast edge heat while only blitzing 4 people. Then the video also shows that the blitz will still come in even with the running back blocking. This will mean our opponent will have to take extra steps in order to block this blitz.

Playbook: New York Giants

Formation: Dime 1-4-6

Play: Cover 2 Sink (Max Protect)


  1. Press Coverage
  2. Shift the defensive line to the side of the running back
  3. Slant Outside the defensive line
  4. Blitz the slot cornerback on the right
  5. QB Contain
  6. Man up the running back with the linebacker in the yellow zone (technically it is a safety if you subbed a safety into this spot)
  7. Make sure the blitzing cornerback is moved in a little (see video for positioning).

Overview: Here we show what happens if the opponent max protects against our defense. Max protect will normally stop our 4 man blitz so now we changed it to a 5 man blitz and we will still get instant pressure against an opponent blocking 7 people.

Playbook: New York Giants

Formation: Dime 1-4-6

Play: Cover 2 Sink (Inside Zone)


  1. Press Coverage
  2. Shift the line to the opposite side of the running back
  3. Slant the line outside
  4. Bring down the backside safety as shown in the video

Overview: In this video we show you how to successfully shoot the run gaps for the shotgun runs we will face. It is advised to practice this in practice mode before trying to replicate it in a game scenario.

Playbook: New York Giants

Formation: Dime 1-4-6

Play: Cover 3 Sky


  1. Press Coverage
  2. QB Contain
  3. Move the slot corner in as shown in the video

Setup vs. a running back blocking:

  1. Press Coverage
  2. Shift the line to the side of the running back
  3. Slant outside the defensive line
  4. QB Contain
  5. Move the slot corner in as shown
  6. Man up the linebacker in a yellow zone to the running back(again this will most likely be a safety that you have subbed in)

Overview: These setups show you how to bring pressure while having a Cover 3 base defense. The video also shows how to get pressure even if the opponent max protects. Again the pressure is instant and we can adjust our zones how we see fitting.

Playbook: New York Giants

Formation: Dime 1-4-6

Play: Cover 4 Drop 


  1. Press Coverage
  2. Shift the line to the side of the running back
  3. Slant outside the defensive line
  4. Blitz the slot corner and move him in as shown
  5. QB Contain
  6. Man up the linebacker in a yellow zone to the running back(again this will most likely be a safety that you have subbed in)

 Overview: Here we show that even out of a Cover 4 Drop we can still bring instant pressure. All you have to do is blitz that slot corner this time instead of him already being on a blitz. Focus with your user on taking away one of your opponents quick reads and by that time he will be sacked.

Playbook: New York Giants

Formation: Dime 1-4-6

Play: Cover 3 Sky (Coverage D)


  1. Press Coverage
  2. Put the blitzing slot corner on any zone or man him up
  3. Adjust the zones accordingly to the opponent

Overview: We break down some effective adjustments when running a coverage defense in this video. Also be sure to watch the video to see some important zone drop tips to use in the coaching adjustments section.

Playbook: New York Giants

Formation: Dime 1-4-6

Play: Tampa 2 (For formations like Gun Trips TE)


Blitz Setup:

  1. Press your coverage
  2. Spread your defensive line
  3. Crash your defensive line outside
  4. Move the inside slot cornerback next to the defensive end and blitz him
  5. Put the MLB closest to the blitzing cornerback in a spy
  6. QB contain

Overview: This video shows a very good defense against shotgun trips formations such as Trips TE. Remember to put your auto-alignment on “Man”. Also, set your zone drops to 25 yards for flat zones and 5 yards for curl flat zones if you are having trouble stopping deep corner routes or crossing routes

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4 years ago

does this only get through when your opp is in bunch formation? Cause..

4 years ago

Why are the video always down?

4 years ago

These plays are awesome but there is a Meta right now where motioning wide receivers is re allocating coverage and a blitzing DB uncontrollably will supposed to be covering. Have you seen this?

4 years ago

If you just double team the corner he gets blocked FYI

4 years ago

Are y’all going to be making another in depth defense?

4 years ago

How long till we get a new defensive ebook? This one is too small, and the last one pretty much was all completely patched. Also; it does me no good at all when you post single plays that aren’t even in the offensive playbooks for your ebooks. I play Mut, and half of these plays I can’t use.

4 years ago

I think this is patched now. Tried these plays several times and I get no rush anymore 🙁

3 years ago

The blitz still works but I need to know with the latest patch did it fix the running back
acting stupid with his blocking assignment. The unguarded pass rusher is constantly being
picked up by the running back now with rushing 4 men.